Welcome to the Huntsville,
Alabama Ozonesonde Station. The station commenced
operations in April 1999 and is a cooperative effort
between the Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory
of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
the Earth System Science Laboratory (ESSL),
the Atmospheric Science Department (ATS)
of the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH),
and the Global Hydrology and Climate Center (GHCC)
of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC/NASA).
The Huntsville Ozonesonde
station is located at the National Space, Science,
and Technology Center (NSSTC) on the UAH campus. Latitude
34.72 N, Longitude 86.64 W. The station is
operated by Michael Newchurch (UAH) and his students. Weekly
ozonesondes are launched on Saturdays at 1:00 p.m.
(Central). Vertical ozone, temperature, and
relative humidity profiles from the surface to approximately
35 km (7 mb) are produced. Graphical outputs of each
ozonesonde flight are archived and made available
on this site.
The objective of the Huntsville
Ozonesonde station is to study tropospheric ozone
in the Southeastern U.S. in context of the regional
meteorology and chemistry. This will be done using
NCAR's MOZART global chemical transport model.
- Bryan Johnson - CMDL, for
setting up the Huntsville Station and teaching
us to prepare and launch the ozonesondes.
- Dave Hofmann, Lab Director
CMDL and Sam Oltmans, CMDL/Ozone Research group.
- John Christy, Director ESSC
- UAH, for providing us with the space for
the station.